Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Rain Today

It is raining again, it is almost June and it is still raining!  Weather report projects rain every day this coming week except for Thursday.  I would really like summer to start, it would really be nice to have a day hot enough to be able to ride in tank top and shorts.  I do not care what the weather is like tomorrow, I need to ride my bike.
Thursday should be dry, and Friday should also be dry at least in the morning.  The weather forecast models all agree however that there will be heavy rain Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.  We are having March weather in June!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Got onto the Foster City Section of Bay Trail

I got onto the section of the bay trail that is being redone in Foster City Today, they have patched large sections to remove the cracks, potholes and tree roots. However there is still about a mile to go on these repairs.  Then I assume they will start repaving. Here are three photos of the trail near Sea Cloud Park.

Turn Off to Sea Cloud Park

Just some clouds

Some Repaving

Friday, May 27, 2011

No Rain and a better Bay Trail

Well for the last two days it has not rained so I have been out riding.  The Foster City section of the bay trail is closed for repairs and repaving from Baffin Street to Sea Cloud Park.  The detour is very clearly marked and easy to follow without to much car traffic.  As soon as I can get onto the section they are working on I will post some pictures.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will it ever stop raining?

I really wonder if the rain is ever going to stop.  Woke up this morning ready for a bike ride and then looked out the window, the sky is cloudy, wind is blowing and the ground it wet from the rain.  Think I will get back in bed and go back to sleep.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Sunny but Windy Day

It was high 60s to low 70 degree range today even with a northwest wind of 20 miles-an-hour.  So I was able to wear shorts and a light jacket and not be to cold.  I was very surprised to see Rebecca today when I arrived at Coyote Point.  The spring schedule for the surf shop is Wednesday 3pm to 6pm, Thursday and Friday 2pm to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 6pm.  I am not sure what the schedule is for Sunday because I very seldom have a chance to ride on Sunday.  Rebecca was there because she had a private class to teach.  I always enjoy seeing her.  Tomorrow the weather report is for temperatures in the 50s and 60s and a very good chance of rain.  I hope it will be dry enough to at least get in a short ride.

Of special note the repaving of the Foster City section of the Bay Trail has started and currently the trail is closed from Foster City Blvd to Sea Cloud Park, a well signed detour is posted for south bound trail users.  Signs appear not to be posted for riders going north.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Windy Today

Had a really nice ride today even if it was very windy.  Averaged only 10 miles an hour into the wind but on the way home with a strong tail wind I averaged 22.5 miles per hour.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Strange Day

Today there were a great number of things happening in the San Francisco Bay Area. Redwood City had its annual pet parade, it was Hometown Days in San Carlos and the Makers Fair in San Mateo.  So streets and trails I normally ride on where either closed or so full of people the I had do walk instead of ride.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Photos of Trail Repairs and Modifications

Here are some photos of the Bay Trail showing Repairs to trail and New Bike Bridge over Hwy 101

Ralston Avenue Bike Bridge Under Construction

Seawall repair at Seal Point Park

Walk Your Bike trail very narrow

South toward Mariners Island

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

San Mateo County Bay Trail Repairs.

1. The sea-wall is being replaced between Mariners Island Blvd. and Seal Point Park. Watch for detours at end of bridge.
2. Phase 2 of Foster City Ped-Way Repaving is scheduled to start May 16th they are currently removing dead trees and cutting back vegetation (watch for work crews and trucks on trail) between Foster City Blvd. and the Oracle Campus.
3. Trail upgrades between Whipple Road and Woodside Road in Redwood City, I would advise not taking this section of the trail as heavy equipment is everywhere.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A short update

Wednesday and Thursday where both very nice days for a mountain bike ride, very light wind and temp. in the 80 degree range.  I did not ride yesterday because Dads heart rate was up and he wanted me to stay close just in case he needed a ride to the emergency room.  Today it was very windy, but went riding anyway, I only managed 38 miles in the time I can normally travel 50 miles do to the 25 mile-an-hour head winds I encountered.
I sure hope the weather is both less windy and warmer on Monday.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The fire at the asphalt plant in Redwood City

Some images of the fire at Asphalt Plant in Redwood City that occurred yesterday May 2, 2011


Could Spring finally be here?

It was very nice yesterday and even better today. Temperature was in the mid to high 70s both days. Yesterday there was a big fire at the asphalt plant at the end of Sea Port Drive in Redwood City.  Wanted to take a look at  it today but road was closed to everyone except those that worked in the area.  So instead I took my regular ride to the San Francisco Airport and Back.

Tennis Courts Central Park San Mateo

Central Park San Mateo

In Milbrae California

Burlingame California

There are big white birds in that tree