Here are a few pictures from a trail I found yesterday. It is over a bridge from the bay trail in Burlingame, to bad it leads to a dead end.
Bay Trail in Burlingame |
Burlingame |
Bay Trail in Burlingame |
Burlingame |
Bay Trail in Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Coyote Point |
Coyote Point |
San Carlos Train Station |
San Carlos Train Station |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Bay Trail, Foster City |
Looking toward San Francisco |
Looking North |
Coyote Point top of hill |
Coyote Point Merchant Marine Training Center |
Looking toward Oakland |
Bay Trail near San Francisco Airport |
Self image on Bay Trail |
From Coyote Point |
Looking east from Coyote Point Museum |
Bay Trail in Redwood Shores |
Redwood Shores marsh |
Bay Trail, Redwood Shores |
Creek near San Carlos Airport |
You would think you where in the country and not 100 yards from a big hotel and office buildings |