Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Really Nice Day

When I got up this morning it was a really nice day, so I took a bike ride along the San Francisco Bay. Twenty miles into the ride it became a fantastic day. I stopped and the Coyote Point Snack Bar and Wind Surfing Shop for a cup of coffee and to my amazement Rebecka was there. I had not expected to see her until sometime in May because she had been working at the shop in Alameda. I would have been pleased to see Jane and Ann Marie but now I was ecstatic. I asked Rebecka if I might take a picture of her, she said is that so you will remember me? Rebecka if you read this blog know that I could never forget you, your smile and laugh they make my day. People if you want to learn to wind surf, get your wind surfing supplies, get something to eat or just chat with some really nice people. Then take yourselves to the beach at Coyote Point and follow the signs to the snack bar and make sure to tell my friends who work there hello for me.


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