Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer is half over

Time seems to pass faster and faster every year.  I remember when I was 6 summer seemed to go on forever. Now at 60 it seems to pass in the blink of an eye.  Does time ever slow down again or does it move faster and faster until you die.  I hope that even if it gets faster and faster as I get older and older that I will still be able to ride a bicycle in another 30 years.  It would be nice if it where even the same bicycle.  Then I could say to people I meet yes I am 90 and my bicycle is 60 years old, want to race?  Well anyway July has been an okay month for riding even if I spent time taking my Dad to visit his doctors and to the grocery store.  Have managed to get in 16 days of riding for a total of 700 miles.  With a bit of luck I will get in another 200 or 300 before July is done.
I do not feel like I'm 60 years old

Planes flying somewhere

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