Thursday, May 13, 2010

Forgot it was bike to work day.

Although I am into bike riding and protecting the environment by limiting the amount of gasoline used and pollutants generated by not driving my car everywhere.  Bike to work day can be dangerous. Why, well you get people out on their bicycles who have not ridden in months or even years.  They do not know the rules of the road.  It is simple most of the rules that apply to driving a car apply to riding a bicycle. Things like riding in the same direction as the cars are going.  Yes I do remember a time long ago when you where told to ride against traffic.  However that law has changed.  When riding on a bicycle path like the bay trail you are to keep to the right except when passing.  When passing you are to warn who you are passing cyclist or someone on foot by saying "On your left" or ringing your bell if you have one.  Maybe tomorrow these people will be back in their cars.

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