Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Sunday Ride

I very seldom get a chance to ride on Sunday but today was different.  There was no 49er football game that I would need to watch with my Dad. My parents where feeling well and it was 61 degrees at 10 AM.  So when I called my Dad to check on him, he suggested I take a bicycle ride.  I needed no more than that since my addiction is riding my mountain bike.  I was extremely surprised to discover that there where hundreds of people that had the same idea as me.  There where so many people on the bay trail that I spent most of my time avoiding families that where riding the whole width of the trail and could not figure out how to keep to the right. I normally average between 45 and 50 miles on weekdays, but today in the same amount of time I only covered 37 miles.  I really did not mind because I saw several people I know and met some nice people too.

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