Sunday, March 21, 2010

Turned 59 Years Old Today

I did not ride today, instead I spent the day with my family. Was not to upset that I did not ride today because in the last 5 days I have ridden 212 miles or a little more than 42 miles a day. Not bad for someone who will turn 60 in another year. I received some nice gifts and we had Chinese take out for dinner. I would like to reach 50 miles in at least one ride before the 4th of July and at least one ride of more than 60 miles before my next birthday. I average about 13 miles an hour over a thirty mile distance so I should be able to pass 65 miles in 5 hours. However that just never seems to work out. Limiting factors are traffic, traffic lights and stop signs between my house and the bay trail. I also tend to stop to take pictures and visit with people I have met on the trail. Although I can drink fluids while riding, I have never figured out how to dispose of fluids without stopping. If I can get out of the house early enough just maybe I will get over 50 miles soon. I tend to work late into the night however answering emails, blogging and playing computer games, so getting up early mostly does not work out.

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